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Rua Jacob número 50- Setor de Mansões Suleste.

Cell Phone number: (61) 91252734.


Our users

Here is the place where our students and their parents can express thoughts, give suggestion, get information, news and  learn more about CILCO.


About Us

       CILCO is a school of language that belongs to Prefeitura de Cidade Ocidental.
       This school is a project that serves students who study in public school from sixth grade. 

        The school offers the American English.

    Teaching the English language with dedication, using natural method;

    Working a dynamic teaching where the student feels the language;

    Closing the wishes of our students to the virtual world.

 Our Group:

Director: Daffne Romão.

Secretary: Luana Costa.

Teachers: Dolimar Nunes, Mariana Fernandes and Saulo Alves.





History of project

CILCO was developed by the government of Ocidental City with intention to prepare our students to World Cup and the Olympic games.